Monday, 5 January 2015

Hello 2015 - still in Peru - Reflections of New years past

Peru - Well, I couldn't think of a more appropriate place to start my New Year. For me New years celebrations have always been an anticlimax - my last New year in Beijing , China was wild - good and also just a reminder how not to start a new year after all. Alcohol induced New years always bring disappointment unless its undertaken at a Dinner party or maybe not ?  The year before was spent with friends cooking , laughing and enjoying  in Greyton . The year before was spent in ceremony with ayahuasca and lent itself to a transformative year . So does how we enter our new year establish, like some of sort of unspoken spell, our path -our journey into the year ? Or is it just my own perception for my life - Possibly ! In reflection I see a pattern of how my New year celebration has influenced my coming year. Therefore I chose  to go consciously into 2015 - respecting that it is a celebration as well as a prayer for my life and what it will bring in the coming months.

This year I spent time early hours of new years morning up a mountain in the sacred valley, Peru  - stung by cacti , trodding a new path to a rocky outcrop I spotted from the road . Finally getting up there after a rather unsophisticated climb - I was rewarded with a beautiful view and a quiet , glorious sunrise. Peace - nice way to start my new year - outer peace -inner peace fighting the continuous chatter of my mind. But this beautiful valley and all its amazing vibration finally quietened down my mind and I felt at peace in my heart. For the blessings of 2014 - for my life - my path -and being right here in Peru. Gratitude.
Don't get me wrong - there has been a lot of frustration regarding trying to get flights back to Sa before I return to china etc etc - but right now I'm looking at the bigger picture !

Setting up a small altar on the rocky outcrop , combining blessings from my beloved Quanyin, Buddha and a traditional Inca blessing I spent awhile in meditation for my new year and then awhile in blessings for those I love - asking for kindness, compassion,abundance for all those near and dear to me.
Singing ( in my reallllly good singing voice ) I welcomed the sun into my new year and with it every song   I sang  - evoking beautiful memories of friends , family and new brothers and sisters Ive met along my path travelling through South America.
The words of Simone's song  below resonating so incredibly beautiful from the mountain top - albeit it not in her amazing voice - I feel the vibration of my connection with Africa and my heart family there.

My sister I see - your spirit in me
My brother I ask that in love we bask.

Ok, so now seeing how deep my path has become - my evolution of self - my overcoming of my fears, my strengthening of my compassion , my ability to stop judging ( still a big work in progress) and a deep, deep need to be of service.
How this will play out in the next year or so of my life is still not known for me.All I know is that its time to be more pro-active with service. I understand that my work is service in many ways - but Im feeling as humanity we have to do more to support each other. My life has been so indulgent in so many ways - and yes there is gratitude for that too , that Ive been able to create the resources , time to indulge.But now I'm feeling I need to create differently - how, when and where ? well that is still to unfold !

A humming bird visits me twice up the mountain - I am reminded of the message of this bird - JOY AND LIGHTNESS OF BEING - let this be my 2015 please !